Trinity Overview Video Series Helps Unlock The Power

Now that Trinity & HUE are available, shipping, and expected to hit racks and stores everywhere, we thought it prudent to drop a few videos about Trinity. The Trinity overview video series is a set of videos (3 at the moment possibly more to come) that takes a dive into the depths of Trinity's "more than meets the eye" feature set.
First up, the 'Basic Operations' video is an overview of the parameters, navigating the layout, selecting channels, triggering channels, the output matrix and more. The viewer will walk away from this video with a good understanding of how to operate and move around Trinity's front panel.
Next up, the 'Drum Synths' video opens up the viewers understanding of the 4 drum synth algorithms (BLOCK, HEAP, NEON, ARCADE) and unleashes the power held within them. Viewers of this video will walk away with an in-depth understanding of how to harness the power within these 4 incredible drum synths.
Lastly (for now), the 'modes' video unlocks the power of the alternate operating modes of the Cycle Modes (Round Robin & Random) and Stack Modes (2 Stacks & 3 Stacks).The modes unlock Trinity's strengths in alternate operating modes that allow the user to get exponentially more use out of Trinity's drum synth array. From keeping drum patterns alive with randomization to deep dives into complex layers in sound design, the Modes are where its all at. Better even still? there is no menu diving to do so.
And there you have it. While you wait for your delivery (check your inbox for shipping confirmations) the videos will help to quench your Trinity thirst in the meantime. Otherwise, while you make your final decision on if you'll finally add Trinity to the rack, these videos will definitely answer your questions.